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Showing posts with label small business investors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label small business investors. Show all posts

What You Should Know About Business Investors


One of the greatest challenges of starting up and sustaining a small business is to find suitable sources of funding. The entire process of finding suitable business investors for your business can be extremely daunting—and with good reason, for the future of your business largely depends on your success in accessing additional sources of capital.

While the task itself is daunting, the best way to tackle it is to be prepared. When looking for business investors, you must know what to look for, where to look for and how to look for them. But most importantly, you should be able to know what they are looking for from you.

Who are Business Investors?                                                                                     

Business investors, in a nutshell, are individuals or companies that offer financial assistance to new and upcoming businesses by providing the capital required to run the business.

Before Looking for Business Investors

The most crucial step in obtaining funding for your business actually takes place before you even start looking for investors. Why? Because it is at this time that you learn to put your best foot forward. To do this, you must first draft a business plan that is not only comprehensive but also takes offers contingency plans of action. In your business plan, you’ll need to provide a brief company overview and outline the services your business offers. However, what investors actually look out for at this stage is your analysis of competition and the current industry situation. In addition to this, clearly mention any financial assumptions you’ve made. If your business is already up and running, it will be a good idea to insert any relevant financial statements.

Where and How to look for Business Investors

The first step, obviously, would be to ask your immediate circle of friends, family and colleagues for recommendations. This will save you a lot of time in terms of searching for a suitable business investor. In addition to this, when looking for business investors you can also:      

  • Approach local commercial banks
  • Apply for a loan or grant from government agencies e.g. U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
  • Contact local angel investors, who are always on the lookout for startups
  • Enter into a partnership with friends or family

Analyzing Potential Business Investors

Approaching Business Investors is easy enough. But how do you know which one is right for you? What aspects do you look for when approaching a business investor?

While there is no hard and fast rule, there are some ideals you can generally adhere to. Firstly, if your startup is a bit more risky, you might want to spare yourself the effort of applying to local banks which generally tend to play it safe. In such cases, always opt for angel investors. In addition to this, you’ll need to do a quick background search on the investors to ensure that they haven’t been involved in any form of misdeeds, because any scandals could tarnish the reputation of your company. Also, investors sometimes offer great networking opportunities and sometimes also provide other forms of support and legal advice to budding entrepreneurs. Hence, if given the option, you might prefer the investor who offers all these perks!

Hence, while looking for investors is no easy task, its best to make careful and systematic decisions when choosing a business investor. After all, the future of your company rests upon this decision.


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